Imagine a beautiful day. Have a day of peace and love. What’s in it? According to research, when people were told to imagine themselves in a peaceful and quiet place, they saw that they thought of a green garden with flowers and flowers with their loved ones. It’s not something you want to have a lady friend in your dream.…
While giving green peace, the flower adds beauty to the day, and love comes from your love for the person you love.…
Well, what the author said, “everything starts loving a person…” then you’re in the right place to meet a lady friend who will start everything for you.
There are some steps we recommend that you take to make a good start and to be with that person in the secret heaven of dreams… well, ladies and gentlemen, in the end, they meet each other by taking steps towards each other.
When you’re making friends with the ladies, you go out of your way… … and women think too much about the men they invite into their lives.
Then, please refer to the Siberalem prepared for you, “ suggestions for women looking for friends” list:
Don’t take despotic as a suggestion, but this is really the most important step. Personal care is important in your relationships with women, as well as at every stage of life. How do you want to be friends with well-kept women, and women like men’s clean and neat. If your clothes are clean and ironing, your face, your hair, your beard, you’re making a difference to a lot of people.
Words and eyes: honesty… women’s intuition is very powerful. When you’re talking to a girlfriend, look her in the eye and talk honestly. Lies, conceals and distortions are perceived immediately by girlfriends. Don’t destroy a beautiful relationship by distorting the facts.
General culture: a little book, a little newspaper… … I’m going to give you a formula to get a general culture. Read a newspaper every day for 30 days, follow a documentary once a week, and finish one book in 30 days. Conclusion: 30 Newspapers, 4 documentary and 1 book. The cost? 50 TL does not exceed. You become a completely different person in 30 days and you have more guests to chat with your lady friend.
Be passionate: make a difference… you met a lady friend and your friendship started… very nice. The first meeting went so well… great! Now continue these beauties until the second meeting. Continue your interest in your girlfriend without missing her dose. Text him, say good words, and plan the second meeting. Boyfriend and girlfriend relationships develop
It’s not hard to be a friend to a lady and to carry that friendship to a beautiful Union. We wish your dreams come true!
Here are our suggestions for those who say I’m looking for friends!
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